Fincken Manor in Mecklenburg, Müritz District

17209 Fincken, Hofstraße 11, Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Occidental, Alemania

  1. Casa señorial
  2. 47.624 m² Terreno
  3. 13.028 m² Superficie útil
  4. 22 Habitaciones
  5. Año de construcción 1801
  6. Última modernización 1993
  7. Monumento histórico
Classicist manor house in the Müritz | Large property on the lake | Expansion possibilities.

Fincken is located 20 km west of the Müritz and can be reached in about 90 min from Berlin via the A 19. 1801 as a two-storey classicist plaster building with 13 to 6 axes for the count family v. Blücher built. The hall-like extension in Tudor style dates from 1850/60. Renovated and statically secured in the 1970s. In 1972 and 1993 the house was completely rebuilt for hotel use. The bungalows built nearby but outside the castle complex in 1982 are dilapidated. Contemporary renovation of the entire house necessary. Spacious lake property with bathing area and jetty. Beautiful small park along the lake with some dendrological features.

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Aviso legal

Agencia inmobiliaria
Der Gutshaus Makler
17207 Ludorf
Rondell 7-8, Alemania
Director General
Manfred Achtenhagen
Número fijo: +49 39931 84011
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Manfred Achtenhagen
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Manfred AchtenhagenHablamos   Deutsch  Hablamos   English 
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